Corporate Governance

In compliance with regulatory requirements and the provisions of the current laws and with the purpose to maintain a policy of transparency with our partners, investors, employees and stakeholders, we hereby disclose a series of documents and regulations that permeate the company’s conduct and which govern all of our relationships with the society.

Manual de Regras, Procedimentos e Descrição de Controles Internos

File download

Política de Compra e Venda

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Política de Gestão de Risco

File download

Política de Rateio e Divisão de Ordens

File download

Código de Conduta

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Formulário de Referência

File download

Política de Voto

File download


We remain at your disposal for any doubts, questions or clarifications. The company also has a direct ombudsperson channel through which you can report any situations of non-compliance, in addition to serving as a complaint channel.

contact the ombudsperson